What if the location doesn’t exist,do you know the Ibox Service Center? : HargaKatalog

Check the location list of the latest ibox service center

For those of you apple product users, you need to check the list of  the latest Ibox service center locations that know that one day you need it. Using Apple-class productsis a pride in itself, it is understood that   Apple products can only be purchased by certain circles.  Because usually Apple products have a very expensive price. In fact, Apple is basically targeting the upper middle class.

The quality of Apple products is unquestionable, it can be said that Apple products are one of the best in the world. Apple products are not onlyloved in the home country ofthe United States, but also around the world, including Indonesia. Indonesians are very fond of Apple products. In addition to quality, the use of Apple products can also increase self-confidence.

Although the quality of this apple product is very good, it does not rule out the possibility of damage. Repairing Apple products really can’t be careless. Also, not all repair sites are capable of repairing Apple products. To do this, you need to check the list of  the latest Ibox service center locations   in your city if you want to make your Apple products.

To buy Apple products also can not be in random places. As the money spent is not small, you should buy it in a reliable place. Nowadays, there are oftencounterfeit apple products, of course you have to be very observant when buying them.   Don’t let you buy Apple products that aren’t authentic.

One of the leading resellers of Apple products in Indonesia Ibox. Ibox sells original Apple products ranging from handsets, laptops, companion accessories and many others. Apple products sold on Ibox  are genuine products. If you like to travel to the mall, you may have often seen  Ibox stores that already exist in many places.

Check out the list of the latest ibox service center locations in major cities

Makingrepairs toApple products is not as easy as making improvements to similar products with different brands. As mentioned earlier, not all handsets or laptop repair locations are able to repair gadget products or output from Apple laptops . For that reason, usually when you go to repair Apple products, you have to come to an official service center.

If you buy apple products in Ibox, you should check the list of  the latest locations from the Ibox service center.  Currently, there are several cities in Indonesia. One of them is in Jakarta. In Jakarta, there are many Ibox service centers.   Those of you who live in Jakarta can visit eMAX Apeople premium reseller. Alamatnya is located at Jalan Kemang Raya No. 45A, Jakarta Indonesia 12730.

The next city that has an ibox service center is Tangerang. There is more than one  ibox service  centre in Tangerang. One of them is located at Benton Junction Unit G No. 7, Jalan Boulevard Palem Raya No. 38, Lippo Karawaci 1200, Tangerang 15811. If you have a contact, please contact the following phone 6221 5468209. To the address of the site can be visited in the www.estore.co.id.

While in Bekasi you can find velocity Apple an eseller uthorised r. Address is at Bekasi Cyber Park Lt. 1, Jalan KH. Noer Ali 177, Bekasi 17148.   You can contact Velocity Apple with a  uthorised dealer at the  following phone number 6221 8847490. You can also contact him by email sales@velocity-store.com.

Then in the city of Bandung there are also several Ibox call centers. You can visit Paris Van Java Ground Floor #C-02, Bandung, West Java 40162. There you will find Zoom Apple p remium reseller. Contacting him can be through the following phone 6222 82063800.  Maybe in the future there will be new material from the pen m service center, so be sure to check  out the list  of the latest ibox service center locations.

If you are outside the Jabodetabek or Bandung area, you can visit  various Ibox service center addresses  in other otas such as Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Bali and Makassar. And what you need to know you canuse the shuttle service when going to fixthe duk Apple in  the ibox service center. Of course this makes it very easy for you when you are very busy.

What if the location doesn’t exist,do you know the Ibox Service Center?

When you have checked the list of  the latest   ibox service center locations in your city and there is no place or far away, you can use the shuttle service. This service is certainly very easy for consumers. Especially if you’re a very busy person. One of the providers of transportation services for electronic devices iserajaya after sales service.

The Erajaya shipping service is not only for Apple products, but also some products from other brands. Some of them are Asus, Huawai, GoPro, and so on. And the good thing is that Erajaya provides insurance protection of up to 40 million. So you don’t have to worry during the delivery and collection process.

For areas within the range of erajaya services are also very wide. There are already several cities that are accessible with this Erajaya shuttle service. The most popular citiesare Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi, Bandung, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Solo, Surabaia, Malang and Denpasar.  If you have checked  the list of  the latest   ibox service center locations and are in the list of cities above, you can use  this Service Andrajaya.

Tousethe shuttle service, simply contact Erajaya at 087031139570 number. Then the messenger will come home, you can just wait with santai at home. It is better to persi apfirst the device to be repaired so that when the messenger comes you just have to deliver it.

What tolook for when sending an Apple unit to the Ibox service center through the Erajaya After Sales service

If you are going to use Erajaya services to provide goods for the   Ibox service center location, then there are several things that should be considered.  The first is to check the list of  the latest ibox service center locations, whether they are included in the service coverage or not.  Then about the security of the data on the device you will fix. Therefore, you must delete the privacy data before the goods are transported by the courier.

Also, if there is important data, you should back up yourself, because it is possible that the data may be lost during the repair process. And please note that Erajaya is not responsible for privacy and important data if it is lost from your device. Therefore, prepare well so that no personal data is leaked or important data is lost.

To remove additional accessories, SIM cards, and memory cards on your device. Because if there is a loss later when sending to the service center, it will not have a replacement. Therefore, you need touse additional accessories and also the SIM card has been removed before shipping.

Vantagensdo D ari Ibox Service Center

Doing the service at the Ibox service center clearly offers several benefits to you users of Apple products. The first advantage is obviously what you can guarantee, because Ibox provides a guarantee to your products. When making a warranty, you should persiapthe necessary files.

The next advantage is that the technicians who work at Ibox are profionais people. Then there is no need to doubt your ability anymore. As we all know, not all technicians can make repairs to Apple products. When you arrive at the Ibox service center, apple products will be handled by the right person.

The staff at the Ibox service center are also very friendly, and have a good knowledge of Apple products. So you can ask for more information about Apple products. Therefore, immediately check the list of  the latest ibox service center locations and get the best service in the Ibox service center.

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