West Java Goyobod Iced Drink Recipe : RsudSuka

West Java Drink Recipe, Must Have a Try

Indonesia  is  really rich  in terms of a  variety of cuisines and drinks,  a typical West Javanese drink recipe whose  taste  is  indisputable.   The West Java region is  not  only famous  for its beautiful natural  scenery,  but also  the  various cuisines in this city are    very famous throughout the archipelago. One of them is a variety of typical drinks such as bajigur, bandrek and ice goyobod.

Visiting the West Java region  is  not  complete if you don’t taste the culinary tour.    Sunda cuisine is already very popular and there is no doubt about its enjoyment. However,  not only are the food delicious, but a  variety of West Java drinks are also very ww, with a jib you try.

The West Java region  is known as the highlands, so it has a fairly high temperature.   No wonder body warming drinks  are  so popular  here.   Some of them are like bajigur and bandrek. However,  this does not mean that you will not find fresh drinks  if you visit this area.  During the day, it  is best  to enjoy fresh ice goyobod.

Nowadays, it is actually not difficult to find sellers of  typical  West Javanese drinks such as bajigur and bandrek  . However, instead of buying it,  you can also  make your  own  West Java drink recipe at home  .   What are they and how to do them, see the following reviews:

West Java Bandrek Drink Recipe

Bandrek is a  traditional West  Javanese drink  made  from  a decoction of palm sugar and ginger  .   This drink has a  sweet  taste and a warm feeling of added ginger.  As  a complement to the usual bandrek,  it is served with the addition of scrapings of  young coconut meat.  To make it  a  recipe and a way is as follows:

Table of contents:

  1. Ginger 80 grams
  2. Cloves 4 grains
  3. 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar
  4. Brown sugar 75 grams
  5. Cinnamon 6 cm
  6. Pandan leaves 2 pieces
  7. Air 500 ml
  8. Salt to taste
  9. Young coconut meat

How to make this West Java drink recipe:

  1. Boil the water, then put the burnt ginger and press it
  2. Add  the brown sugar and  stir until dissolved
  3. Put cloves,  pandan leaves, cinnamon, granulated  sugar  and salt
  4. Wait  for it to boil and  emit a  fragrant aroma
  5. Turn off  the  stove and strain
  6. Serve  Bandrek in  a glass  with the addition of young meat kelapa . You can also add sweetened condensed milk.

West Java Bajigur Drink Recipe

In addition to bandrek, bajigur is also  a  typical  West  Javanese drink,  famous for being able to warm the body.  At first glance, bajigur and bandrek have the same appearance. However, the recipe for this West Java drink is actually different.   To make a bagigur, the  ingredients and recipe are as follows:


  1. 5 liters of coconut milk (one coconut grain)
  2. 1/2 tablespoon of ground coffee
  3. Brown sugar 150 grams
  4. Granulated sugar 100 grams
  5. Ginger 200 grams
  6. Pandan leaves 3 pieces
  7. Cinnamon 2 cm
  8. 1/2 teaspoon of salt
  9. Kolang-kaling

How to make a  recipe for a typical West Javanese  drink Bajigur:

  1. Cook the coconut milk and brown sugar  until dissolved.
  2. Put burnt and pressed ginger
  3. Add granulated sugar, cinnamon,  pandan leaves, ground coffee  and salt
  4. Wait for coconut milk to boil while stirring constantly so that it does not break
  5. If it boils, turn off the stove and strain
  6. Serve in a glass or bowl  by adding kolang kaling slices to make  the bajigur more delicious.

West Java Goyobod Iced Drink Recipe

Despite being famous for having cool and sometimes even  cold weather,   the  city of West Java also has a legendary ice recipe. One of them is  goyobod ice, which is already very popular, especially for the Sundanians.  This drink is a traditional  ice  that comes from the Garut region of West  Java. For  this West Java drink recipe, the ingredients are very easy as follows:

Table of contents:

  1. 60 grams of Hungkwe flour
  2. Air 350 ml

Complementary materials  :

  1. Red syrup
  2. Cassava tape  100 grams
  3. Avocado 1 piece
  4. Thick coconut milk
  5. Black glutinous brass tape
  6. Kolang kaling
  7. Young coconut
  8. Sweetened condensed milk
  9. Es batu

How  to make a  recipe for a typical West Javanese drink with  delicious goyobod ice:

  1. First make  the syrup  with boiled water and brown sugar  until it boils and thickens,  and  add  red dye to taste.   Aside
  2. Mix the Hunkwe flour with water , then stir until evenly distributed.   Heat the dough mixture until it is cooked and thickened.
  3. Mold the goyobod dough into a baking dish and let it rest until it cools and hardens completely.
  4. Cut into small pieces of  cooled dough  and put them in a bowl with other complementary ingredients.
  5. Add  ice cubes and  wash with red syrup and condensed milk
  6. You can enjoy fresh goyobod ice native to  West Java.

West Java Oyen Iced Drink Recipe

Oyen ice  is  a typical  West Java ice ace ampur  that has no doubts about its taste.  At first glance, carving ice  does not differ from mixed ice from other regions, but there is  an addition of  sweet corn,  which makes the  taste  even tastier.    This West Java drink recipe is  also  not complicated, so you can make it yourself at home.   The materials used to make oyen ice  are as follows:

Oyen ice  materials  :

  1. Avocado ripens a fruit
  2. Ripe jackfruit to taste
  3. Young coconut
  4. Kolang-kaling
  5. Chinese boyfriend
  6. Sweet corn
  7. Syrup
  8. Sweetened condensed milk
  9. Es batu

How to make at recipe  for this typical West Java drink es oyen:

  1. Prepare the bowl and place all the fillings in the bowl
  2. Add ice cubes to taste ,  then wash with condensed milk and red syrup
  3. Fresh and attractive carving  ice ready to serve

This filler  for the icy yen can  actually be adjusted to  suit every  taste. However  ,   the characteristic components of this mixed ice are Chinese henna and sweet corn. So,  if you want to make your  own  ice cube   at home, make sure the two ingredients haven’t been replaced.  This is  so that you can enjoy  the original West Java.  For red syrup, you can also make it yourself or buy  ready-made  ones  .

Talking  about West Java cuisine  will never end.   In addition to Sundan dishes, which are undoubtedly delicious, you should try a variety of West Javanese drinks. However,  if you don’t want to buy it, you can also try making your  own  West Java drink recipe at home   , because it’s simple and absolutely delicious.

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