Lack of trust in the eyes of consumers : Mockup

Differences between Telkom Call Center by Phone and Social Media

As one of the companies included in the category of state-owned enterprises (BUMN), telkom call centers must be provided by the company. It is not without reason that a company as large as Telkom is obliged to provide interactive telephone services and digital communications. This is because there are many consumers who use Telkom services in Indonesia.

And if consumers encounter any problems or problems while using Telkom’s products, the first step taken by consumers is to contact the call center service. So, indirectly, this call center service serves as an information center regarding the disruptions experienced by telkom companies.

In addition, consumers also have the right to lodge complaints about services that do not comply with the procedure. Then, consumers can also submit reviews and suggestions via call center services to be used as evaluation material by the Telkom company.

Why should every company provide call center services?

Referring to government regulations, any large company that has a sufficiently large consumer base must indeed provide call center services. The goal is to facilitate handling if consumers encounter problems using the company’s services.

One of the large companies that provide call center services is Telkom. Each company has its own policy regarding the provision of integrated information center services. The main function of the service is to explain to consumers the solution to the problem encountered.

In addition, Telkom’s call center is also required to track all complaint reports submitted by consumers. And not to forget, the task of this call center must record all the inputs, reviews and suggestions used as reference or evaluation material for the company.

Risks for businesses that do not provide call center services

There are several risks that need to be borne by some companies that do not provide call center services. If this remains unresolved, there will be a long-term and utterly deadly risk. Therefore, these are some of the risks of the lack of call center services provided by some companies. Among them are the following:

  1. Received a reprimand from the government

The first risk, of course, was strongly reprimanded by the government. This is because companies are required to provide call center services so that consumers can submit complaints directly via interactive phone or email via social media.


  1. Lack of trust in the eyes of consumers

Lack of trust in the eyes of consumers is the second risk for companies that do not provide call center services. Indeed, this call center service makes it easier for consumers to submit complaints about the company’s services. Like the Telkom call center which is always contacted by consumers to know the information about the products.


  1. Difficult to evaluate the company

And the last risk is that it is difficult to evaluate the company. Indeed, the company does not have data on consumer complaints. Thus, to improve the quality and performance of the company, feedback, criticism and suggestions from consumers are necessary.

Telkom call center becomes one of the interactive telephone and digital mail services

Typically, these large companies in Indonesia provide interactive phone call center services. Usually, this interactive service is a national call center or calls from within the state. Indeed, Telkom’s customers are only in Indonesia. Thus, all calls from the call center are national.


In addition to interactive phone calls, Telkom’s call center services  have now “evolved” and are available in digital form. Thus, anyone can easily submit complaints, criticisms and suggestions to PT.


Telkom via call centers on social media. From now on, Telkom’s call center is accessible via digital media. Thus, millennials can convey all the problems related to the products via digital media such as Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.


This step is considered capable of reaching consumers widely. Indeed, Telkom’s consumers are not just adults. But also millennials who are still actively using social media.


With the Telkom call center on social media, it is hoped that it can solve problems or obstacles faced by consumers quickly and accurately. As a result, consumer confidence and satisfaction with Telkom’s products increases.


Differences between Telkom call centers via interactive phone and on social media

Both types of call centers provided by PT. Telkom is very different in terms of handling. Even if it’s different, you still have the convenience of contacting Telkom’s call center services.


The first difference is that the call center via this interactive phone connection is charged credit by the operator. You must therefore provide enough credit to contact the call center service via an interactive telephone connection. Meanwhile, this call center via social media only uses the internet data quota. So it’s cheaper in terms of cost.


The second difference is that the call center service through this interactive phone connection will get a fairly quick response. In fact, in some cases, it can be resolved by PT’s information service desk provider. Telkom. Thus, you do not need to go to the nearest branch to overcome the obstacles encountered.


Meanwhile, the social media call center alerted by Telkom takes the time to respond to any complaints, questions or complaints that come in via the direct message feature. Thus, the process of resolving issues reported through Telkom’s call center via social media is a bit slower compared to interactive phone lines.


The third difference is that call center services using this interactive phone connection are sometimes difficult to connect. This is due to the large number of incoming calls. Thus, the agent cannot connect to the phone connection you are making. For this, it is advisable to regularly contact the call center.


Meanwhile, the message you transmit through this social media call center can be received by the agent. Promptly, the agent will promptly respond to all messages related to complaints about telkom products. If you need special treatment, you will get a complaint number so that the complaint can be handled by the relevant party.


How to contact telkom call center via interactive phone and social media

This is because anyone can contact PT’s call center. Telkom, especially consumers who encounter product problems. How to contact him is also very easy. For those of you who wish to contact the call center via an interactive phone connection, please use a smartphone or landline.


After that, immediately tap on Telkom’s call center number at the 147 number. Then there will be a customer service that will ask you to submit complaints, reviews or suggestions. Usually, conversations between call centers and consumers will be recorded to improve the quality of related businesses.


If you submit a complaint via Telkom’s call center via social media, simply send a message via the direct message feature on TelkomIndonesia (Twitter), TelkomIndonesia (Instagram) and Telkom Care (Facebook) accounts.


Make sure that the call center accounts you contact have a blue check mark. This is because telkom accounts verified and managed by call center administrators have a blue checkmark.


Pt. Telkom is one of the state-owned enterprises. That is, the company is managed by the state. Wethereforewonder whether this Crown corporation provides call centre services to respond to consumer complaints, complaints, criticisms and suggestions. Telkom now provides digital complaint handling services. Thus, Telkom’s call center can be contacted easily and actively for 24 hours.

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