Fordeler med ACC Call Centers : CekResi

Manfaat Call Center ACC, not just ufor complaints

The benefits of acc call center  will be achieved by the users.   Problems with   cooperating  with lending or leasing institutions often arise,  and if they are  not  addressed immediately, misunderstandings will  arise  . Well, that misconception can finally become another problem for you.

Of course, don’t you   want the  problems that are faced while doing heavy equipment  financing loans with ACC not to be resolved immediately?   To overcome different types of problems or obstacles, there are different ways that can be used. One of them is by contacting   a part of the ACC call center.

There are many benefits of the ACC call center  that you will get, and the most noticeable is  helping to  overcome problems during the funding process.   There are several issues often faced by ACC service users, such as applying for credit relief  to  extend the loan to make repayments easier.

To contact the customer center can be done easily.   The reason is that ACC provides its own number where it  can be contacted by its customers or users.   You can immediately complain about  the  relevant number and submit your complaint or complaint correctly and in detail.

In this way  , the leasing lot  can  offer the best  solution for you.   Do not forget to provide some important documents needed.   Before you know how to   contact and what are  the advantages of ACC call center,  you also  need  to know what the history of the company is like at a glance, just go ahead and see the explanation below.

And brief history to ACC Company

As mentioned earlier, you will actually get many benefits with ACC call centerACC or Astra Credit Companies is an automotive and heavy equipment financing institution. The finance company already  has  a good reputation by the wider community and has more than 9,000 partner dealers.

Based on the regulation of  OJK (financial services authority) No. 29 / POJK.05 / 2014, the company carries out business needs in    investment financing, multipurpose and operational leases, working capital both  using conventional and Sharia-based schemes.   Both   have their own advantages.

The precursor to ACC came from PT Astra Sedaya Finance which was established on 15.  July 1982 ago under the name PT Raharja Sedaya. Its establishment is useful in supporting the automotive business of the Astra group .  Only in 1990 did PT Rajardja Sedaya change its name to PT astra Sedaya Finance.

The advantages of acc call center provided by this company include the purchase of new and used cars, especially for cars produced by Astra such as Toyota Isuzu, Daihatsu, Peugeot to BMW.   In accordance with its inception,  the  company works to support the  financing process  of  more than 1600 car dealerships in Indonesia.

Some of the companies that act as associations of ACC include Astra Sedaya Finance, PT Swadharma Bhakti Sedaya Finance, PT astra Auto Finance, PT Staco Estika Sedaya Finance and PT Pratama Sedaya Finance.   Until now, this company continues to develop a variety of services and facilities offered.   In addition,  it also continues to maintain the reputation they have.

Komplett ACC y ang Call Center Informasjon

The existence of  call center services from ACC is actually a means for customers and companies to obtain information more easily and conveniently.   In addition, there are many advantages of the ACC call center  that will be obtained by users.   Especially to overcome various kinds of problems and complaints during cooperation.

For those of you who wish to contact part of the company’s call center,  you  can directly call the number 021-766-9000 for customers in the Jakarta area.   In the meantime, if you are outside Jakarta, you can directly call 1500-599.   This number can be contacted using any telecom operator.

Meanwhile, for customers who wish to connect directly to  headquarters, they can directly call the  number (021) 7885-9000. Where the headquarters of ACC  isoccupancy at Jl.TB Simatupang No.90.   By submitting these complaints and proposals, it should be made clear and detailed so that the company can understand it further.

Customers can wait about 20 days to get a response or response.  The time period is calculated based on the complete documents received. If it turns out that the complaint process does not get a response,  the only way to be taken is  to contact OJK through 1500655 number.  This is the best way to forward complaints.

 Fordeler med ACC Call Centers

Already don’t know how to file a complaint through the ACC company  . Well, it turns out that there are many advantages of ACC call center  that need to be known.   For more information see the review below

  1. Make complaints fast

As previously mentioned  , the existence of the  call center is actually the most appropriate place to complain as problems during the  credit process.   With the way to report quickly, it  will  enable your issues to be resolved quickly.   You can directly use one of the numbers above.

  1. Get information related to the products owned

Another advantage of acc  call center  is that  you can get information related to the products owned by that particular company. Astra Credit Companies even have several products like car financing to heavy lazy.

  1. As a means of giving advice

The existence  of a call center may also be the  best place to advise the company.   It is indisputable that if  the  services of  a leasing company are  sometimes not satisfactory, you can immediately advise   them so that they can work more optimally.   .

  1. To connect with the company

The advantage of ACC call center from the existence of call center is to connect customers with this ACC company.   Not only that, their existence is also very important because  they  can deal with different types of customer problems.

Advantages of buying a vehicle with ACC

There   are various advantages that are obsessed with buying a vehicle with ACC are as follows:

  1. Have the best service to their customers

Using this leasing institution  from ACC will also provide a myriad of benefits to users.   Such as the existence of the best service that has used the concept of operational excellence to maintain customer satisfaction.

  1. Has a  wide range of full product features

Astra Credit Companies also has  a range of product features that are quite complete.   In addition, they have cooperated with several car dealerships in Indonesia.   The requirements to apply for credit can also be done very easily.

  1. Affordable customer access

Finally, you will  also be given a service in the form of customer access that has a  very easy reach.   There are many options for staying in touch, such as through call centers or social media.

In fact, cooperation with financial institutions is not  spared various kinds of problems.   To overcome this, customer service may be the best solution.   There are many benefits of ACC call center  that you can get.

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